My my words

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Charlie's First Day of Preschool - Ever!!

Okay, today was harder.

Charlie had the best attitude and was so excited to go to school. He wouldn’t eat anything but a smoothie for breakfast, which was my only hint he was nervous at all. He even got into his lunch box and found the helicopter I bought him as a surprise. He is so much like Mark!!!

When we got to school, he literally ran down the hall and left us in the dust talking to Lizzie’s old teacher, Mrs. Fionda. When we realized he was gone, we hurried down the hall to find him totally busy playing playdough and talking to the teachers and other parents. Who is this kid?

Mark and I just stood around and watched, waiting for our son to realize how scary this was supposed to be and come running for hugs. But he never did. He was happy and comfortable. Even his teacher said she thought he was going to be the kid she could get to try things first.

So we walked out to the quiet car with Owen and Mommy & Daddy were sad. So proud of our children and relieved that they embrace school so openly with joy, but sad about the time that has passed so quickly and these little ones who find their wings and fly off without a glance behind.

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