My my words

Friday, April 29, 2011

Princess Triple Threat

Princess Tea this morning, Princesses on Ice tonight, and a real Princess wedding on TV - whoa, I'm having princess overload today!!!
High Tea at the Four Seasons to celebrate the royal wedding

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Our friends, Stephanie and Sadie Lacour

Ready for Disney Princesses on Ice

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lizzie's First Communion

Lizzie took communion for the first time tonight! Mark and I are so thankful our savior died for us, and our baby girl. I cannot praise Him enough!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Maybe living in Red "Oaks" was a bad decision...

Ahhhh, springtime.

Everything outside is green and budding with new life. The grass is growing, the flowers are blooming - even the weeds are gorgeous and fall under the 'wildflower' category this time of year. But all this beauty and growth comes with a price.

A Zyrtec-Flonase-Benadryl cocktail type of price.

There is oak pollen EVERYWHERE. All over the cars. All over the chairs on the porch. All over the swingset. All over your shoes when you come inside.

Even the dogs have green legs.

And people, we are dying over here! Charlie has a breathing machine for crying out loud!

Today, Mark took the pressure washer and sprayed down everything he could get to outside. He blasted the treetops to make fake rain that would wash away all the pollen. He sprayed the cars to erase the green sheen covering them. He mowed the yard so the dogs could go outside without dragging their body through the pollen.

Only time will tell if this experiment will help with our troubles. All I can do is vacuum, dust, and repeat. We did get new air filters and no one is allowed to play outside anymore. Which is a shame, because it's so lovely outside with the warm weather and the breeze.

But I will no longer be fooled. I will not be lured outside by that seductress known as Mother Nature. No, I will keep my kleenex (with lotion) close by and protect my sinuses from her onslaught. And perhaps sometime in May, I will emerge victorious.