My my words

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Owen & the Stairs Adventure!

Two big problems with today. One little kid as the culprit. #1 Owen is standing up in his crib. #2 Owen is crawling up the stairs. Lord. Help. Me.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Potty Training Charlie

January 2011
Charlie made me go to the bathroom 3 times at Dillards today. Two pees and a number two.

wait, let me rephrase. HE went all those times. Not me. LOL

I just had the boys with me. I took the stroller and all my unpaid merchandise right into the handicap stall with me! 3 times!!

February 2011

yesterday Charlie cut up 100s of playdoh balls and ''picked them up" using the tread of his shoes. Today, he's playing in the playroom naked as a jaybird after a morning tee-tee. This kid is a trip.

March 2011
Why is it that when you are potty training, the only thing that matters to the child is flushing the potty. And yet, when they are actually trained, the last thing they want to do is flush the potty? What I would give for a fresh bowl in this place!!!!

April 2011
Tonight our children informed us that they both peed on the potty at the same time - with Charlie peeing on Lizzie at one point. So we had to point out the not-so-obvious rule that when a potty is in-use, you need to find another one before you get started. ??!!