My my words

Monday, August 22, 2011

The day her dreams came true...Lizzie gets to go to Kindergarten!

She did it!! My baby started kindergarten!

So many of my friends homeschool or send their children to private schools that I was feeling a little alone as I prepared my heart for the first day of kindergarten. I imagined tears and butterflies in my stomach. I was "letting go" of my baby, after all.

But as He always is, God was faithful.

Our friend, Lisa Haug, who we know from Hill Country Bible Church UT back in the day, is a kindergarten teacher at Lizzie's school. And all summer long, we've been praying that she would be the one to teach our little girl. And God answered that prayer! Lisa is a Godly woman, a Longhorn, AND a reading specialist! Seriously? What more could you ask for?

So on that big day as we walked down the sidewalk behind our little princess, it wasn't quite so scary for Mom & Dad to hand over our baby.

She was so excited to get to school, make friends, and start learning. She has always loved school and began negotiating for more school time her first week of preschool as a 3 year old. But mommy is a little less excited to say goodbye to long mornings in PJs and happy shopping trips to Target.

Kindergarten is a whole new world. And truthfully, I'm not handing over my baby.

I'm sending my little girl, who is confident and eager to learn, to her first day of elementary school. A dream come true, indeed.

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